Tuesday, February 15, 2011

If you could choose one of the 7 regions to live in, where would it be?

       The Seven regions is the Okanogan Highlands, Columbia Basin, Palouse Hills, Eastern Cascades, Western Cascades, Coastal Region, Western Lowlands.
See the picture below at the end of the blog and see that the regions have a place. There places all depend on the mountians and the bodys of water.  I, in person Would want to live in the Okanogan Highlands because I have grew up in many different places but all have no real natural beauty.The Okanogan Highlands have lots of beautiful and rugged mountians that are deeply cut by a river that once had flowed. Even if its kindof dry its all great to work with. But the bad part is there is no 500 year old trees in sight. If you look to the Right above the other picture, their is a picture of the Okanogan Highlands.So The okanogan Highlands is where i would go if i could choose  out of all the seven region .                    

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